My hunting_materials list is made up of words to define through objects in thrift stores.  I create a list before heading out on the thrift hunt.  These words typically relate back to content for the LADYFITS issues.  My list is rarely defined into_dresses_tops_polka dots_belts.  It's loose in defining exactly what I'm looking for_opens the experience to allow the random objects to happen.  I rely on the aesthetic + information I've gathered leading up to this time.  We collect a lot over time from material objects_dress styles_images_quotes_opinions.  This is all gathered together to make the thrift hunt.  

This is the beginning of many hunting + gathering posts, showing my process to explain things through dress.  This portion of the process is important because it's the main content for defining things.  The best part is finding an object I can't define its original definition of use or purpose_the definition then becomes ADORNMENTS_OBJECT WEARS.

The next stage for this object is to resource the pieces + begin design work.  At times it is hard to narrow the path of design for the object_unlimited answers with a limited resource_no backups_no waste.  When you think of the object as being the only one (no waste), your work can only be better through this tension in design......even if there are a lot of veggie steamers in this world (as shown above).

More to come in the process of this object as I begin to break down the pieces + sketch ideas.

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